Monday, October 23, 2017

Color Podcast

"What is color?"

Something that I have thought about a lot. I remember in Chemistry class in High School my teacher tried to explain to us how we basically see colors, and how colors on shirts are actually missing the color of the shirt but we see that color. Color is something that is so confusing and I still do not understand what our teacher was trying to tell us. The point it, most people just see colors and don't actually think about where the colors come from or how we actually see color. It's weird to think that hundreds of years ago no one understood this concept of color and where it came from.

The story about the monkeys was very interesting and just shows how complex and compelling colors actually are. They were able to wrap the red color gene into a virus and put in into the monkeys. It's weird to me that we actually have certain genes in that allow us to see color. To think that there are a lot of people that actually cannot see certain colors is very weird to think about. Also, the fact that people are not allowed to get this to fix their color blindness confuses me. If it could help people and they did not find a lot of problems with it then I don't know why humans are not allowed to get it.

This podcast of color reminds me of the argument over whether or not that dress is white and gold or blue and black. 
I see this dress as gold and white and I don't get how people can see it differently. It's crazy that we all see different shades of colors on things. When this started I would always try and see it as the colors of blue and black and never could but I knew people that could see those colors and didn't see gold and white. Colors have always amazed me and how many different colors we can see or the different colors that we can see.

Lastly, thinking about the fact that some women have that fourth cone that could make you see even more colors. However, some women can't use their fourth cone. It makes you wonder if you possibly know one of these women? Or what do these colors look like to them?

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