Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Joyce Yu-Jean Talk

The talk with Joyce Yu-Jean was really interesting. It was nice to have a more intimate discussion with not a lot of people. Joyce talked about the various things that make her more creative. One of the things that she said that struck me was the input and output. How she needs to consume things in order to become more creative and to make her artwork. Obviously when we make art our ideas and creativity usually come from the things that we have read or seen in the past and it helps us to come up with our own ideas. She talked about how she does that before she starts a project and she reads more and observes things more for the purpose of creating something. I don't think a lot of people look at reading something or just observing others or things in our surroundings for the purpose of eventually creating something out of it.

I also think that the idea of her art is really interesting and something different, or at least something that I have not really seen before. I think the projections that she creates even sometimes using old art is a very interesting take on art. It's not your typical painting or sculpture or drawing. I think it could really help grasp the attention of our generation because it incorporates technology and things that we can relate to. Now I feel as though many people like to look at things through a digital medium and this is a way for people to do that.

After listening to her talk for a little bit, it made me want to go to art museums more and find more of an appreciation of art. It also made me want to take some time when I can and just observe the things around me more and take everything in. I think sometimes we don't take a second to appreciate the things that are around us and especially with our phones we are constantly interested in things on our phones instead of what is going on around us.

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